As the UK workforce gets older, it is vital for employers that employees in their 40s and 50s have the tools and confidence to manage their finances, skills, and health. A considerable proportion of the UK workforce are not prepared well enough for their future and with the right support, guidance, and planning tools, could improve their financial, work and wellbeing outcomes.
The Mid Life MOT is designed to support all employers, from self-employed individuals, micro-businesses and SME’s to larger organisations.
To address these challenges, since June 2023, the Department for Work & Pensions has been funding a 2-year pilot programme, "Midlife MOT" in Devon and Cornwall. This funded support for employees aged between 44-56 is designed to support three core areas:

Includes detailed financial and pension guidance, coupled with a support for retirement planning and goal-setting.


Providing career and skills guidance, advice on workplace adjustments and strategies for continuous learning and upskilling.


Support includes wellbeing guidance, advice on lifestyle/ home factors and sign posting to relevant health services.


Capita, in partnership with Switch Lifestyles is applying its expertise in Pension Solutions to deliver this Midlife MOT programme. Our goal is to encourage employees to make the most of their career potential and strategically plan for their later life. This involves a blend of technology-enabled learning, group workshops, and personalised virtual 121 sessions.

We are committed to working collaboratively with employers to ensure the programme is seamlessly integrated into their existing operations and aligns with their unique business needs, offering flexible solutions as needed.

Learn more by watching our brief video...

Our programme follows a four stage approach to assist you in preparing for later life planning across all three areas:

Our programme begins with registering on our app, completing a short initial assessment, and attending our employer driven workshop. This stage provides you with the foundation you need to understand where you are now and what resources are available to you.
We will provide you with access to our interactive tools and resource section. You will have comfort in knowing that any links provided will direct you to a safe website with accurate information. This stage is designed to build your knowledge, improve your awareness and help you visualise your future self.
During your wealth 1-2-1 we will work with you to create a personalised action plan that will increase your awareness and build your confidence so you are equipped to make informed decisions. This stage is all about motivating you to take next steps and take control of your future.
You will be encouraged to continue with your learning and share your knowledge with others. Through surveys and end of programme assessment, you will be able to see how making small changes can have a significant impact on your future self.

Employer and employee feedback...

100% of participants have shared they would recommend 1-2-1's

100% of participants have said their knowledge has improved and confidence has increased since participating

72% of participants that attended their workshop feel better prepared and confident for future life planning

"I was approached by two employees who were on one of the face to face workshops. They said your pensions knowledge was excellent and you got the information over to them in a way they found useful and engaging. They wanted me to pass on their thanks for your time."
"You helped an employee with a SERPS related pension query. Following your guidance, he contacted the provider and has discovered a pension he was unaware of. He was over the moon and was so appreciative of your help"
"Many thanks Caroline, I have completed the feedback form and given a glowing review but also just wanted to say how brilliant I have found the sessions, and the 1-2-1 was so helpful to me.

You have been so clear in explaining everything and given me some great pointers. I have been raving about it!”
"I found it all very useful and since speaking to you yesterday, I have already signed into my pension to see the current value of my pension.

I had a really good chat with my other half last night and we are now going to start checking out his pensions to. I have so much more understanding of my/our pensions now and the future looks a little less scary"

What our participants said they liked about our Workshops and 1-2-1’s...

“It is a great opportunity to improve my health and wellbeing. Thank you.”
“Options for work in the future and also the pension info - never too early to start planning!”
“Very approachable trainers, clear information.”
“Resources, where to find information on the App. It was great to see all the links in one place and know that you can access it in your own time over the year.”
“Excellent support provided, would recommend to everyone. In fact, I did recommend to everyone."

Recommended by Ann Vandermeulen from the Federation of Small Businesses

“This is a great idea Ian Harris and good to talk to you about it. How dreadful to retire and think “I wish I’d known about that; life would be more comfortable now had I done something about it!” Some great information that could be life changing and that further inspires people to speak to their IFA with more confidence. A nice thank you to employees from employers who get on board.”